Do you get nervous when hosting a live video?

You're not alone! In fact, it’s quite rare to find a person who loves speaking in public or appearing on video.

If you’re among the crowd who suffers from sweaty palms, a racing heart, and uncontrolled butterflies—then this is for you. Don't let these nervous habits get in the way of your video marketing dreams!

We all get nervous at times when we're stepping out of our comfort zone. Yes, even the few people who love public speaking and embrace video naturally are often feeling anxious on the inside. The key to their success is that they’ve simply found a way to feel the fear and do it anyway.

Practice Makes Progress

As you are aware, the first time you do something out of your comfort zone, you typically feel nervous—especially if it’s a public appearance. One powerful way to eliminate fear is to repeatedly practice. Rather than practice makes perfect, strive for practice makes progress. Perfection is an illusion and not quantifiable.

Don’t pass up an opportunity to practice speaking to an audience. Some options are appearing on video, podcasts, in a webinar or on the stage.

Not only should you practice your webinar, interview or speech ahead of time, but you should also take put yourself in a similar environment to prepare for your next big event.

If you feel that you need a place to practice in a judgment-free zone, consider joining a group such as Toastmasters in your local area, where you can work with others to reduce your nervousness in front of an audience.

No Pressure

Let's be honest, most of the time the worst judgment we receive comes from what we tell ourselves in our head. Whatever you do, don’t let that voice tell you lies. There is absolutely no need to berate yourself for not performing at your best or for making a mistake. Perfection is an illusion. Therefore, don't pressure yourself to be perfect.

Instead, acknowledge and realize that no one is perfect. You’re doing your best and you’re improving with each broadcast. Be kind to yourself and recognize that there really is no need for perfection. Rather show up authentically and unapologetically as yourself.

Be Yourself

Oftentimes, the biggest hurdle we can face is trying to be someone we're not. When we take a look around we see professionals in our industry who appear poised and polished on every video clip. It's exhausting and it's ludicrous that we think that’s how we need to show up for our audience.

Your audience wants to know you, not the fake version of yourself. Therefore, be your fun-loving, mistake-making, self-forgiving, quirky self. It will resonate better with your audience and build know, like, and trust. And we know that when a prospect knows, likes, and trust you, then they're easier to convert into a paying client.

Therefore, work on showing up consistently, practice, and embrace the feelings. You can and will overcome feeling nervous when doing live video. All it takes is one baby step in the right direction.

Share in the comments: What tips and tricks can you share with others who are nervous about their first or next live video?

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