One thing, I feel very strongly about is ‘feeling good' in business. Life is waaay too short to feel miserable or stressed 24/7, don't you agree?

I mean, if you’re passionate about your work, then why wouldn’t you want to feel good doing it too!

My personal mantra has always been to feel inspired, energized and creative every day in my business! And I have to admit, that most days, I’m fortunate to feel exactly that way.

However, the reason I feel so good in business is not from tricking my psyche into thinking a certain way, or pretending I’ve already achieved what I want. It’s because I’ve aligned myself with a business model that is perfect for me.

If you want a business that is sustainable, then it must also be enjoyable. And that’s why I’m passionate about ensuring my clients are aligned with the business model they choose also.

Feeling Good In Your Business

If a certain marketing strategy, a type of networking or selling technique doesn’t feel right for them – then I remind them they don’t have to do it that way.

There are plenty of ways available to them, that can get them the same result (life is not meant to be black & white!!)

It’s SO important that your business strategies and branding are aligned with your values and heart. Because as you build your business you’re going to be focusing on these ALOT.

And feeling good about those strategies and systems means your energy and results will always be optimal.

Now just to be clear. . . going for the “feel good” vibes is not an excuse to avoid taking action or showing up and doing the work required.

If you find yourself using it to avoid what you need to do, then you’re sabotaging your business growth. There is mindset work you’ll probably need to do, to kick that dis-empowering habit to the curb!

But for starters, let me share with you some “feel good” fundamentals so you can quickly get grooving and feeling fabulous in your business …

8 Strategies To Ensure a Feel Good Business Model

  1. Align With Your Values

The things you value you most in life are what drives you. When you align your business model with your values, then your work becomes rewarding, enjoyable and sustainable in the long term.

  1. Play On Your Strengths

What are your natural gifts and talents? The things that come easily to you? Doing what you enjoy AND doing what comes easy to you, is a sure way to feel good in business. It’s also a powerful ingredient in ensuring your long-term success.

  1. Use Your Unique Voice 

This is all about being yourself. Don’t be afraid to show your personality (quirks and all) throughout your brand & business. Today, our society is attracted to authenticity and vulnerability. People want to know and FEEL a connection with who they do business with. When you communicate as the ‘real you’ then you naturally attract more opportunities and a devoted audience.

  1. Activate Your Star Power

This is your special mix of gifts, talents and skills. The ‘one thing’ that will allow you to stand out and shine amongst all the other people in your industry. Using your star power and positioning yourself as a leader makes attracting those ideal clients practically effortless.

  1. Soar With Eagles (don’t hang with Turkeys)

Who do you hang out with the most? Are they people who support you and lift you up? Or are they naysayers who like to bring you and everyone else down? You know it’s common for negative people to be drawn to those who always shine bright. They feed off their positive energy.

Unfortunately, that doesn't do you any favours. It only drains you and keeps you down at their level. Surround yourself with people who share the same values, believe in you and cheer you on at every turn.

So make it your daily mantra to ‘feel good' in business and just watch how your results start to soar!

Be bold. Be unique. Be you. 

Kym Mulcahy is an Online Business Coach & Marketing Mentor for women entrepreneurs ready to step up and stand out from the crowd. The founder of Your Unique Voice and Brave Beautiful Business, she helps her clients unlock their unique voice, master their message and attract audiences of No #1 fans with feel good marketing strategies and captivating offers.

Over the last 7 years, she has published a lifestyle blog (growing it from zero to 70,000 monthly website visitors in just 18 months), guided major corporations to boost their online presence and increase sales conversions, and mentored hundreds of small business owners to make a bigger impact and ignite their personal brand.

When she’s not working with her clients, you’ll find her hanging with her little family on the northern beaches of Sydney Australia, binge-watching Game of Thrones, or planning her next weekend getaway. You can find out more about Kym and her programs here: