“The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step …”

But to build an online business – just where do you place that first step?
The answer is simple…and will cut months, if not years, off your journey to an “unchained” business.

You see running a business isn’t a hobby or a once in awhile excursion.

Running a business is in fact a skill. And like learning any skill, the path to mastery starts at the beginning, laying a solid foundation with the basics, and then working your way up.

No one expects to strap on a pair of ice skates for the first time then glide rhythmically onto the ice to execute a perfect triple axel. Me, I’d be lucky to keep standing for a full 30-seconds!

Creating an online business that allows you earn to money in your sleep is much the same. You have to master standing upright for more than 30-seconds first, before you can glide into your business equivalent of a triple axel: A business that gives you total financial independence by producing predictable, reliable income (while you’re awake or asleep).

Now before you get discouraged thinking that it takes years to master ice skating and you need income now …. I want to assure you that unlike ice skating, the basics of business don’t involve mastering complex muscle memory moves or hours of conditioning and practice. Nope.

The main foundational skill for an online business? Simply getting your first client online.

Even if you don’t want to coach one-on-one, even if you only want to do retreats, even if you just want to create and sell online courses.

The ability to fill a program or retreat or sell enough online courses to retire in style, are all built upon the skills you need to get your first client online. That’s why I encourage everyone who dreams of having an “unchained business” to first focus on mastering the simple stuff… and then scale from there.

When you release the need to build beyond your pace, and you pace yourself to build foundational skills, you’ll find the filling of retreats, and programs is second nature, and all can be done while sipping pina coladas on the beach!

So what are the skills you need to master to get a client online?

CLARITY – The first thing you need is clarity. Clarity on who you (or the products or services you will create in the future) serve and what problem you solve. I’m not talking about “women over 40 who want to find joy”. I’m talking about intimately knowing the underneath pain, motivations and driving force of your ideal client.

BUILD AN AUDIENCE – Once you know who … now you need to master attraction. Finding and enticing your ideal client into a community where you can engage and nurture. In the online world, this typically looks like building an email list.

COPYWRITING – The skill to master to engage and nurture your audience is copywriting. Getting people to open your email and take action on an offer is a skill unto itself.

ENROLLMENT – And then you get to master the art of enrollment, which is simply helping someone cross the threshold to make the decision to commit to their own transformation.

And in case you’re thinking (as admittedly I did when I first started this journey), “I don’t want to have to talk to anyone, I just want to create a course that people will click to buy” …..

Getting hordes of people to buy a course without you having developed the skill of enrollment is the equivalent of thinking you can step on the ice for the very first time and execute a perfect triple axle.

You’ll know you’re making progress on these skills when you get clients online! Which is why I call this phase the “School of Get Clients”.

The good news is that as long as you don’t waste a lot of time time trying to avoid these skills, they won’t take long to master.

Oh and here’s the best part …. in the School of Get Clients – you get PAID while you learn!

Online Business Mentor, Barbera Aimes specializes in helping emerging coaches and other change-makers who want an “unchained business” navigate the complexities of Internet Marketing to forge the shortest path to consistent, reliable and scalable income … along with the freedom to enjoy it.Visit her website at: www.barberaaimes.com