Your Mind is the Paintbrush to Your Life

The Foundation

Like most people, as a child, I had explosive dreams. There were many avenues of life I wanted to explore and reach the top of. The number one thing I wanted to be when I was younger was a rock star. Not just any rock star, I wanted to a freaking rich and wealthy rock star. From my childhood experience, I learned that money and resources played a big role in your quality of life. Yeah, it doesn't buy happiness itself, but it does get you out of the rough neighborhoods and puts quality food on your plate, let alone the ability to travel the world and bless other people.

Like most people, I shared my dreams and with the people around me and herd things like, “ oh honey, that's unrealistic” or “ that doesn't happen for people like us, it's only for the lucky ones”. Growing up when expressing myself I heard a lot of, “watch what you say/do/wear around people, they are judgemental” or “don't express how you really feel if it's going to cause somebody to be upset.

So, like most people, several limiting beliefs were created upon me without even realizing it. As I got older, the more I bit my tongue. The less I shared my ideas and acted on them. It also shrank my thinking because I subconsciously was getting society’s approval on an idea before I even brought it to surface.

The Discovery

The want and desire for my #1 dream remained but, I subconsciously believe it to be impossible because of what I was fed. I know you’ve heard it before, you become the environment you stay in. What I want you to be continuous of now though, is that this happens slowly without you realizing it. Causing you to be blind on what is holding you back. Many of you probably reading this are going “ but I believe I can do it! I believe it's possible!” Which may be true, but many times our subconscious belief is different than our conscious belief.- which is why we don't get what we want.

If you're anything like me, you still held onto those dreams- or have another huge goal you have been working towards. Somehow though, you still have been not been able to break a certain level regardless of how much work you put in, studying on the subjects, or help you received. Time after time I hit a plateau in an area of my life regardless of the work I was putting into. What changed my life forever was the power of breakthrough.

Life After Being Introduced to Belief Breakthrough

Belief breakthrough is identifying the beliefs engraved into our subconscious brain that limit us and then rewiring your brain to replace it with an empowering belief. Sounds simple but, it's more powerful than anything you have control over.
When applying the steps I learned about belief breakthrough, My income 10x, my relationships flourished, my energy increased, & I was overall happier, fulfilled and ALIVE. Your mind is truly the paintbrush to your life.

I discovered that all which you experience is due to your perception and energy you hold. If you want anything in life, you must first shape how you feel and think to be about that desire. That is when a certain type of energy is created that attracts your desire. Your subconscious also will not allow you to see or accept what you are desiring if you hold a belief that contradicts it.

Anytime now that I come to a roadblock of frustration in my life, I know it's because I am holding a belief that is not serving me optimally.- therefore, I must do a breakthrough on myself before I can expect any of my results to change. No longer will I continuously shove and work on something without first working on myself. I know the power within myself is all I need to create my optimum life.

9 easy steps to breakthrough limiting beliefs for success

1. Ground Yourself- you must first quiet your mind so you can listen and receive answers.

2. Identify Your Limiting Belief- ask yourself, “what is the #1 thing stopping me from ____” trust the first answer that comes up.

3. Identify Your Memory- allow yourself to go back to the first memory you had with this belief. (many times it's from childhood)- trust the memory.

4. Discover The Deeper Limiting Belief- ask yourself, “what did you decide about yourself in that given moment?” trust the first answer that comes up.

5. Examining the Cost- reflect on how that has not only caused you pain in your past and current life, but also the future to come if nothing changes

6. Permission to Shift- Allow yourself let go of this belief- sometimes this is harder than it seems for people since they so strongly believe it is protecting them

7. Belief- decide what you are now going to choose to believe in replacement of your old belief. Three P Rules- 1: positive 2: present 3: personal (“I” statements)

8. Rewrite Your Story- This is typically the most exciting part for people. This is where you get to reflect on what your life is now like and going to continue to be like with your new empowering belief.

9. Claim Your New Belief- This is where you claim your new belief out loud and into action! Depending on your personality type- your claiming might be more or less intense than the next persons but I personally love to scream and shout out my new belief with jumping action.

Do you struggle with limiting beliefs or have you overcome limiting beliefs successfully? Share it with us in the comments below. 

Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs

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