Yes, you have taken that step. You have decided that you have enough confidence, skill, experience, know-how, capital and determination to begin your own business, fantastic! But have you considered that your intuition has really gotten you where you are, and… it is going to lead you to success or failure in your ventures, depending on whether or not you listen to it?!

So, what is your intuition, and why is it so damn SEXY?

Well, I like to consider intuition as that innate access point into your being that enables you to know if you are making the right move or not. It is like having a crystal ball into all of your decisions as an Entrepreneur and being able to trust that it will yield you desirable results. When you allow your intuition to pave the way for your business success, well then, the results will speak for themselves…and your competitors… well, they will be blindsided by all of your continuous triumphs. And that my friend can be very sexy.

Three Easy Tips To Recognize Your Intuition is Guiding You.

1. Notice How You Feel
When you silence your mind briefly and take a moment to pay attention to how you are “actually” feeling in your body about a particular person, situation, location, or decision, you are letting your intuition pave the way for you. It is very easy to recognize, just simply notice if you feel uneasy in your body or if you feel a sense of calmness in your body when you place your attention to a specific topic or decision. Dis-ease is your natural indicator that your decision is not in alignment with your highest good.

2. Notice Synchronicities
Ever notice that once you make up your mind, the universe conspires to give you everything you want. Well, when you begin trusting your intuition, the universe begins to send you signs in the form of synchronicities to further reinforce your trust in your intuition. For instance, you might find yourself thinking of working with a “needy” client who has an endless budget, but you have not yet committed because of what you have heard from others in the industry. So what do you, well…when you trust your intuition, you allow the universe to send you signals. If your potential client happens to be named Joseph, then you might find yourself driving unintentionally down a one-way street that day, named Joseph Way. If for instance, that potential client might be really difficult and too demanding for your business, then the universe might send you a magazine to your office later that day with a cover that says: A cup of Joe, Is Not The Way To Go. If you paid attention, it would be very easy for you to know which decision to make.

3. Notice Your Body Positioning During a Meeting
When you are in agreement with someone that is in alignment with your highest needs, you will find that your body’s intuition will innately guide you in the direction of alignment physiologically. So, if you find yourself in a boardroom or meeting with clients and/or investors, notice how your body reacts. If you find yourself leaning in towards a person, they tend to be most in alignment with your business needs. If you find yourself leaning away from those individuals naturally than your body is deliberately showing you who you are out of sync with.

When you begin recognizing that you have naturally been listening to your intuition all along, your decisions will come faster, clearer, and sharper than ever before. The results of that will show in your ever-increasing confidence levels and desired entrepreneurial goal-crushing moments. So, do not be afraid to set your analytical approach to business aside and instead, let your sexy intuition guide you.

I'd love to hear examples of your life and business experiences whereby you listening to your intuition and yielded yourself incredible results, please comment below.

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